
BalagokulamGeeta Session ● Yoga ● Meditation

Geeta Session

Is an important ongoing activity at the Hindu Temple of Central Indiana. 

It is held from 10 AM to 12 noon on every second Sunday of the month in front of Radhakrishna Sannidhi. 


Balagokulam is a program for children to discover and manifest that divinity. It enables Hindu children in the United States to form their positive Hindu-American identity, to appreciate their cultural roots and to learn Hindu values. 

Yoga Classes

Yoga Classes

Every Saturday 8:30 AM at virtually.

Contact Smt. Uma Vashishta by email at

Phone: (317) 414-1220

Sahaja Meditation

Heartfulness Meditation

Weekly Meditation Session 

Every Sunday 11 AM- 12 PM

Contact Contact: Manisha Kokitkar by email at

Phone: (317) 625-6385