Membership Benefits
Annual Family Membership
One free archana
One free copy of temple Annual Calendar
Eligibility to enroll children in Balagokulam
Eligibility to enroll in Hindi, Sanskrit and Yoga classes
5% discount for private Pooja services (for more than $150)
5% discount for renting temple hall
5% discount for Catering services (for more than $250)
10% discount for Temple-fest stalls for first year
Eligibility to apply for Executive Committee (EC) positions
Voting privileges to choose EC and Board members
Contributions might be tax deductible
Exclusive online content including tax statements
HTCI gets better recognition by government entities if we have more members.
Lifetime Membership
Twelve free archanas
One free copy of temple Annual Calendar annually
Eligibility to enroll children in Balagokulam
Eligibility to enroll in Hindi, Sanskrit and Yoga classes
10% discount for private Pooja services (for more than $150)
10% discount for renting temple hall
10% discount for catering services (for more than $250)
10% discount for Temple-fest stalls for first year
Eligibility to apply for Executive Committee (EC) positions
Voting privileges to choose EC and Board members
Contributions might be tax deductible
Exclusive online content including tax statements
Display of lifetime member name on the temple TV
HTCI gets better recognition by government entities if we have more lifetime members.
Annual Individual or Student Membership
One free archana
One free copy of temple Annual Calendar
Eligibility to enroll in Hindi, Sanskrit and Yoga classes
Voting privileges to choose EC and Board members
Contributions might be tax deductible
Exclusive online content including tax statements