COVID-19 Guidelines
(317) 414-4192
(317) 502-5053
Mask is recommended but optional.
Eating inside the temple is permitted as we reopen our full-service kitchen. If you are not vaccinated we kindly request you to enjoy the food at your home.
Please avoid visiting if you have cold/flu/Covid symptoms or if you do not feel well.
COVID-19 GUIDELINES - UPDATED 16-February-2022
Eating inside the temple is permitted as we reopen our full-service kitchen. If you are not vaccinated we kindly request you to enjoy the food at your home.
Group chanting and singing fully allowed with single mask on.
Employees, Volunteers and Devotees are required to wear mask within Temple. Please avoid visiting if you have cold/flu/Covid symptoms or if you do not feel well.
COVID-19 GUIDELINES - UPDATED 31-December-2021
Double mask required for devotees that plan to chant within the Temple.
Eating inside the temple is not permitted. Food will be provided in Boxes. Please take the carry-out with you.
Employees, Volunteers and Devotees are required to wear masks within Temple. Please avoid visiting if you have cold/flu/Covid symptoms or if you do not feel well.
Employees, Volunteers and Devotees are required to wear masks within Temple. Please avoid visiting if you have cold/flu/Covid symptoms or if you do not feel well.
Eating inside the temple is permitted. Mask can be removed during eating and drinking, but all other times, masks are required.
Priests are not required to wear masks (for regular Pooja, private events at Temple & Home).
Devotees (of all ages) are not required to wear masks. Please avoid visiting if you have cold/flu/Covid symptoms or if you do not feel well.
Function hall in the basement, dining hall upstairs, classrooms, will operate at full capacity with normal facility limits.
Eating inside the temple is permitted as we reopen our full-service kitchen. If you are not vaccinated we kindly request you to enjoy the food at your home.
Group chanting and singing fully allowed with masks on.
Vibhuti, kumukum will be available at worship hall entrance for devotees to use.
Cultural programs (signing, dancing, etc.) can be performed without restrictions (kids included).
social distancing is NOT mandatory inside the temple.
All on-premise temple activities including Yoga Classes, Hindi Classes, Sanskrit classes etc. can recommence.
Geeta Mandal Sessions can be conducted inside worship hall; people doing group signing should wear masks.
Temple will continue to provide Santizers, plexiglass dividers for general hygiene.
1. No need to register to come to the Temple. No daily limits on the capacity for darshan.
3. No masks required for any event outdoors (private or Temple conducted).
4. If you have been to India in the last 21 days, we request you to please avoid visiting the Temple. Please also avoid visiting Temple if you are not feeling well.
5. For basement, food will be provided in trays; food can be served & managed in individual buffet style.
6. Signing & chanting - one person at a time allowed with masks on.
7. Private Pooja at Temple or Home - regular facility limits on # of people; masks required.
COVID-19 GUIDELINES - UPDATED 12-April-2021, Revised 21-May-2021
Masks/Social Distancing: Employees & Devotees MUST wear mask inside the Temple and follow social distancing.
Puja Items: Devotees can clean and take any puja items (fruits, flowers, garlands, milk, and other materials) to the worship hall as normal. No more 24-hour rule.
Singing & Chanting: One devotee at a time with mask is allowed; No group singing allowed at this time.
Mics & Conch: Only priests are allowed to use Mics & Conch.
Theertha Prasadam: Priests can give Theertha Prasadam (Devotees should NOT touch the Panchapatra - Uttarani or Priests’ plates)
Prasadam: After a puja, all Prasadam will be distributed in the outside Prasad table. Homemade Prasadam SHOULD NOT BE distributed or left behind in Temple.
COVID-19 GUIDELINES - UPDATED 02-November-2020, Revised 12-April-2021
General Guidelines
Normal Temple Hours - Attendee limit assessed per session by Covid 19 Preparedness Team
SMS principle in effect - Scheduling, Mask Wearing, Social Distancing
Zero touch principle in effect for all temple operations
Mask wearing and Social distancing (6 feet by family) to be followed at all times in all areas inside the temple
NO chanting or singing (Shlokas, Mantras or Bhajans) by devotees is allowed (except by Priests). No Shankhanaada blowing is allowed. Devotees are requested to cooperate.
Pooja Related Guidelines
Temple is procuring all necessary Pooja related items needed for all Poojas
All devotee donation or sponsorship materials - Fruits, Flowers, Garlands, Vastrams, Navagraha Danam, Pooja Dravyam, Kitchen groceries, etc. are to be left on the designated table near the check-in area by the temple entrance
Donation or sponsorship materials (as above in b) for Temple sponsored poojas will need to be dropped off at least 24 hours prior to Pooja if it needs to be offered by the Priests for that pooja. This includes flowers/garlands ordered through temple Purchaser.
No active distribution of Prasadam, Fruits, Flowers, Vibhuti, Chandan, etc. inside the temple.
Fruits that have been offered to God will be left on the table outside the worship hall for devotees
Private Pooja inside and outside the temple have a max. 10 people limit
Private Pooja inside the temple (stage area) - attendees need to schedule visit using general sign-up; all Pooja related materials, Fruits, Flowers, Garlands, Vastrams, etc brought by the devotee will need to be taken back after the pooja services & not left behind in the temple; no distribution allowed; Priests can decline service if conditions of safety precautions are not taken by the devotees
Devotees particular of individual rendition of stotras & slokas should keep mask on at all times; shankha naadam blowing not allowed
Sub-committee members are primary volunteers for various activities along with Management members. General Volunteers (approved by Pooja Chair or Temple Manager allowed; should sign updated general release form & follow safety guidelines; please contact Pooja Chair.
Facility Related Guidelines
For basement rental max. 100 allowed, separate sign-up, no eating permitted in the basement or other parts inside the temple - to go boxed food permitted; 4 hour rental limit with chairs 6 ft apart; for main level stage area rental, max. 50 allowed.
Use of mics inside worship hall are not allowed unless approved by Covid team for special events
Kitchen Related Guidelines
Social distancing, Masks, Gloves, Aprons and Hairnets policy inside the kitchen to be followed by all at all times
Only to-go boxed food; no eating inside the temple
No coffee or Tea for the general public; any exceptions for coffee or Tea preparation for volunteers doing seva approved by Manager and in his absence either President/Vice President/Kitchen Chair/Chairman/Vice-Chairman.
Catering orders & other sales normal
Sub-committee members are primary volunteers for various activities along with Management members. General Volunteers (approved by Kitchen Chair or Temple Manager allowed; should sign updated general release form & follow safety guidelines; please contact Kitchen Chair.
Front Office Related Guidelines
Use of gloves and sanitizers when handling things
Sub-committee members are primary volunteers for various activities along with Management members. General Volunteers (approved by EC Chairs or Temple Manager allowed; should sign updated general release form & follow safety guidelines; please contact EC Chairs.
Note, due to the comprehensive nature of guidelines developed, not all of it has been summarized above.
The HTCI Covid 19 Preparedness Team will continue to provide guidance for special events and other requests on a case by case basis. These guidelines will be updated and communicated periodically.
Please be safe. God Bless.
Covid 19 Preparedness Team
Satya Thulasiraman (BOT); Kshitija Dubey (BOT), Reeta Bhargava, MD (BOT); Ramu Yeleti, MD (BOT); Kannan Natarajan, MD (BOT); Raghava Ayyagari (EC), Anita Gupta (BOT), Nandi Nagaraj (EC)